Planning submissions for sites within the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation (EDC) area should be submitted directly to the EDC, with the exception of certain case types, listed below. You can do this by emailing the EDC directly at the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation or submitting via the planning portal at: Planning-portal .
Applications submitted to the EDC for their determination can only be viewed on the EDC Public Access site
Applications and matters that Dartford Borough Council will still be responsible for determining within the EDC area include:
Applications for Lawful Development Certificates
Applications for Lawful Development Certificates for Listed Buildings
High Hedges Legislation
Hedgerow Removal Notices
Felling Licences - only EDC where felling is immediately required for the purposes of carrying out development
Circular 14/90 Overhead Lines
Application under the Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act 1996
A map showing the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation area, and a 'Frequently Asked Questions' fact sheet can be viewed at