Fees are not required for the following types of applications:

  • Applications for Listed Building Consent
  • Applications to demolish unlisted buildings in a Conservation Area
  • Applications to lop or fell trees subject to tree preservation orders
  • Applications by or on behalf of registered disabled persons for extensions and alterations to their dwelling house or within its curtilage, designed to secure their greater safety, health or comfort (including applications made prior to the occupancy of a disabled person), or involving the provision of means of access for disabled persons to or within a building or premises to which members of the public are admitted
  • Revised applications which are submitted within 12 months of the original grant of planning permission or approval of one or more reserved matters, provided that:
    • The application relates to the same site or to part of the site (save in a case where additional land is shown for means of access)
    • The original application was submitted before 6th December 2023.
    • Have the same character or description of development
    • In the case of reserved matters that it relates to the same land or part of land
    • If a full application, the previous application was not in outline. (Note: Only allowed for one subsequent application by or on behalf of the same applicant.)
  • Applications for permission or approval of reserved matters, following the withdrawal or refusal of a previous identical application. This is provided that:
    • In the case of withdrawal, it is received within 12 months of the lodging of the previous withdrawn application
    • The original application was submitted before 6th December 2023.
    • In the case of refusal, it is received within 12 months of the refusal by the Local Planning Authority (or Secretary of State on appeal) of the previous application
    • The application relates to the same site, or to part of the site (save in the case where additional land is shown for means of access)
    • Have the same character or description of development
    • In the case of reserved matters that it relates to the same land or part of land
    • If a full application, the previous application was not in outline
  • Advertisement applications required by virtue of a direction under regulation 7 of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 2007 removing the right to display an advertisement under regulation 6 of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 2007
  • Advertisement applications made following the withdrawal or refusal of a previous identical application made by or on behalf of the same applicant and relating to the same site or to part of the site provided the application is received: (Note: Only one subsequent application allowed).
    • In the case of a withdrawal, within 12 months of the lodging of the previously withdrawn application
    • In the case of a refusal, within 12 months of the date of the refusal by the Local Planning Authority (or Secretary of State on appeal) of the previous application
    • Have the same character or description of development