Please refer to our Corporate Privacy Notice and service specific privacy notice (Property and Valuation Services) for further details of how we process your personal information.

Important note: The following FAQS only apply to properties purchased on or before 31 October 2016. They DO NOT apply to properties purchased on or after 1 November 2016.

These notes are provided as general guidance to owners of discounted sale units at The Bridge development Dartford, and sets out details of the Council's procedures. The Council is unable to provide legal advice to individual owners. These notes do not constitute legal advice. Owners are advised to seek their own independent legal advice on any proposals to rent out their property.

I want to rent out my property. What do I need to do:

Properties on the development have been allocated to the discounted sale scheme to meet the Council's requirements for the developer to provide affordable housing. As such, they are intended for owner-occupation and not for rental. The terms of the Council's charge require you to use the property as your principal residence.

You should not rent out your property without first obtaining the Council's written permission, in advance.

In what circumstances will permission be granted:

Permission will only be granted for short-term lettings in exceptional circumstances, such as if you are required to live away from the property for a temporary period due to a work secondment.

Permission will not be granted simply because you wish to move out and retain ownership of your property.

Each case will be considered on its individual merits.

Please note that if permission is granted, the Council will charge a reasonable commercial rate of interest during the period the property is rented out.

How do I apply:

If you wish to apply for permission to rent out your property, then you will need to provide the following:

  • A statement setting out the reasons for your proposals;
  • Any written evidence that you have to support your statement;
  • Written evidence that you have contacted your mortgage company about the proposals, and that they have agreed to them. You must specifically inform your mortgage company that the Council will charge a commercial rate of interest on the secured amounts if the Council grants consent and the letting proceeds. The Council will require written confirmation from your mortgage company that they are aware of and accept this interest charge

Where do I send my application:

Applications can be submitted using the Contact us online form or alternatively, sent by post or delivered by hand to:

Civic Centre
Home Gardens

Please mark your application for the attention of Legal Services.

Applications will be dealt with in order of receipt, regardless of the method of delivery.

How long will it take for the Council to approve my application:

We cannot commit to specific timescales. Applications are dealt with strictly in order of receipt and you will be advised of the Council's decision as soon as possible.

How will the Council make its decision:

We will consider each case on its merits, and advise you of the decision as soon as possible. We may need to ask you for further information or evidence, but we will let you know if that is the case.

Your application will be considered by one of the Council's Housing Officers.

What does the Council charge:

If permission is granted, the Council will charge a reasonable commercial rate of interest during the period the property is rented out. The Council does not charge an administration fee for processing applications.