Leisure and Culture
- Arts and entertainment
As well as the Orchard theatre , Dartford has a range of restaurants, clubs, bars and pubs
- Events
Information about upcoming events run by the Council
- Dartford Museum
Information about the museum which shares the Dartford Library building located at the entrance to Central Park
- Parks and open spaces
There are many opportunities to take part in a wide range of activities or just relax in the parks and open spaces in the Borough
- Sports club and leisure centres
Contact details and links to clubs and organisations in Dartford
- Heritage and tourism
Dartford has a rich and varied heritage and is home to Domesday churches and buildings with royal connections
- Dartford - Hannau and Gravelines twinning
Town twinning is a way of creating ties and friendships between towns of different countries
- Gallery
Sir Peter Blake gallery is an exhibition space showcasing emerging and established artists, as well as providing exhibitions of interest to Dartford people
- Temple Hill Community Centre
The Community Centre is managed by Dartford Borough Council and is available for hire at very reasonable rates
- Libraries
All libraries with Dartford, including mobile libraries, record offices and archives are managed by Kent County Council
- Stay Connected
When you subscribe you choose topic areas that are of interest and we will let you know when anything important changes or something new is added. We will only update you on topics you choose
- Adult education
Adult education in Dartford and surrounding areas is provided by Kent Adult Education