Active Travel

Active travel is journeys made in physically active ways - like walking, cycling or wheeling (using a wheelchair or mobility aid). This offers health and environmental benefits, and an alternative for many people to local car journeys. Dartford Council works with the local highway authority (Kent County Council) on active travel opportunities.

Walking and cycling on London Road, Stone - Greener, Safer & Easier: consultation to December 20, 2024

The first consultation is underway on how London Road can be improved for walkers and cyclists in Stone. The aim is to explore how to bring health benefits and reduce congestion, air and noise pollution in Stone, by carrying out changes to London Road for bicycles and pedestrians.

The existing A226 carriageway providing two way flow of vehicles along London Road will be retained.

The consultation runs for nine weeks, until Friday, December 20, 2024.

See 'How do I comment' below to respond, and for details of drop in events you can attend on December 3 and 4. 

You can also email for further details.

What has (and hasn’t) been be done so far?

The government requires all councils to produce a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). Dartford's LCWIP study found London Road (between Cotton Lane and St Clements Way) may offer a real opportunity to achieve walking and cycling improvements. 

The Borough’s 2024 Local Plan says: “London Road …links neighbourhoods in the Borough’s urban area, and several schools, local shopping areas and employers, community and recreational facilities…. London Road is currently a wide highway offering a direct route between many of the most sought after destinations in the Borough and is considered to offer potential for major investment in support of increased cycling and walking.” The Neighbourhood Plan (2022) for Stone - produced by the local community and agreed by the community - supports introducing a green corridor along London Road.

No changes have been confirmed or agreed. Significant technical work would be required, and this will only happen if there is general support for looking further at improvements to London Road. This means there is currently no timescale for any changes, and funding for improvements has not been identified. Your say will influence whether the project advances (detailed design steps and further consultation).

What’s happening now with this consultation?

Now is the time for a discussion about the opportunities and challenges of using and living near the A226 London Road (between the B2228 Cotton Lane junction and the B255 St Clements Roundabout).

This particular route is thought to present a key chance to create a greener and safer route, and a healthier Stone. This is because this specific route: has unusually wide sections of highway within this stretch of London Road; and also connects up the schools, shops, community services and jobs in Stone and beyond. There is possibility on an enhanced environment for cyclists, pedestrians and residents, alongside retaining the two way flow of vehicles along London Road. We welcome your comments on this.

Investigation so far suggests there may be potential for:

  • New cycle lanes and footways continuously along the whole length (1.3 miles/ 2.2 km), and on both sides of the road. This could provide safe and appealing direct routes for healthier and greener forms of travel.
  • New road crossings for pedestrians and cyclists, which will also help link up Stone. All cycle lanes, footways and highway lanes can be segregated to avoid conflicts with other cyclists, pedestrians or vehicles. This could provide an alternative for many people to using the car for local journeys.
  • Providing new green landscaping (where space allows). Plants and trees can absorb air pollution, address climate change, and help manage flood risk. The landscaping could provide a more attractive local setting, and may help reduce noise.  
  • London Road to possibly become a 30mph road - a more typical speed when passing through residential communities - along the length of this stretch. Currently there are sections of London Road that have a 30mph speed, with some sections going up to 40mph. Equalising this would create consistency for drivers.

This kind of carefully designed greener road environment, with dedicated segregated cycleways, would be new to the Dartford Borough and we are keen to hear all views.

Some indicative first concept drawings of sections of London Road are available, exploring feasibility and potential improvements. The drawings show some sample sections across the road and, indicatively, sections along the length of the road.  These concepts inform the consultation – views are sought on amendments that may be required, and the features currently shown that may be welcome.

To find out more, or to discuss these ideas and your thoughts, please attend the public drop in events being planned in Stone, or contact us.

How do I comment on the consultation 'Walking and cycling on London Road, Stone - Greener, Safer & Easier'?

Complete the questionnaire below or email from before 5pm on December 20, or talk to us at one of our in person drop in events.

How to find out more and have a say:

  • You can attend one of our drop in sessions for more information and illustrations:
    • Tuesday, December 3. From 2.30pm to 7pm at Stone Pavilion, Hayes Road, DA9 9DS.
    • Wednesday, December 4. From 9am to 2pm at Stone Pavilion, Hayes Road, DA9 9DS.
  • To respond, please complete this quick questionnaire by 5pm on December 20, 2024, or email

What’s expected to happen after that?

Consultation comments will be closely examined, and local views and suggestions assessed.

If there is support for general principles of pedestrian and cycle improvements, this would increase the likelihood of gaining funding for further design work and delivery of a greener and safer London Road. Dartford Borough Council would undertake extra work with Kent County Council (the local highway authority) and others to consider the way forward in light of consultation feedback. This would include potential amendments and detailed technical testing and design.

Outcomes of the public engagement and proposed steps in response are expected to be reported back to Dartford Borough Council’s Cabinet. This would occur before any further public consultation on delivery of London Road improvements.