New Local Plan for Dartford - Inspector's Report

On 5th February 2024, the Inspector examining the Dartford Local Plan to 2037 issued his official Report. This concludes the Plan is sound and legally compliant, subject to certain Main Modifications to plan content submitted in 2021.

The Local Plan as modified can now therefore be proposed for adoption at Dartford’s full council. It would then gain full statutory force and replace Local Plans from 2011 and 2017.

This follows examination in public hearings held between 9th June and 29th November 2022, and on 11 May 2023. The Planning Inspectorate would like your feedback about the examination.  If you were involved in the examination because you made comments in writing and/or you took part in a hearing session, then the Inspectorate would be very pleased if you could fill in this short survey: . Any comments you make will be confidential.