
Do you have an empty property
Do you need help finding a tenant
Would you like free Rent Guarantee, and Insurance cover
Would you like to be able to continue managing your property as you wish
Look no further, Dartford Borough Council are here to help.
Dartford Borough Council are offering Help2Rent landlord insurance exclusively to landlords that provide homes for our clients.
And it’s totally free!

What is Help2Rent:

Help2Rent is a landlord insurance scheme we offer as an incentive to landlords and agents that work with us.

Here is what the insurance covers:

  • Rent guarantee for up to £2,000 per month. This is for a maximum of 6 months or up to £12,000
  • Up to £50,000 for Legal costs for claims arising from Tenant Eviction
  • Up to £20,000 for contents cover
  • Up to £5,000 for malicious damage caused by the tenant
  • Up to 50% of the rent void period for up to 2 months
  • No deposit or bond required

The Help2Rent system also assess affordability and matches tenants to properties they can afford. This also includes a helpful viewing management tool.

Tenants can search for local jobs and schools in the area your property is located making the move easier for them.

Dartford Borough Council can provide the following:

Tenant Introduction.

Financial check.

Eligibility check

Tenant verification with ID and Passport check

Viewings management One Month’s rent in advance

For further information complete the contact form and our Landlord Liaison Officer will get back to you within five working days.

Rent Through Us:


This insurance scheme is only available to landlords that work with a local authority.

We do not manage properties and will have no further contact with your tenant once the tenancy agreement is signed.

Dartford Borough Council will have no liability once a tenancy agreement is in place.

Help2Rent Policy terms and conditions apply