The following documents control the Council's procurement activity.

Procurement Strategy

Contract Standing Orders

Where there is a requirement for advertising, the Council chooses to advertise its opportunities on the Kent Business Portal but will also advertise opportunities on contracts finder and where applicable on Find a tender service.

Electronic procurement

Where possible the Council endeavours to use electronic processes throughout its procurement and payment functions

Payment terms and procedures

The Council endeavours to pay all invoices within 30 days of receipt. For small businesses invoices are paid within 20 days of receipt

Current opportunities and details of contracts let

Dartford Borough Councils opportunities valued over £50,000 are advertised on the Kent Business Portal website

Community Right to Challenge

The Right to Challenge, introduced by the Localism Act 2011, enables eligible community interest groups to submit expressions of interest to the Council to take over the running of Council services, either across the borough or in particular areas.